Shoreline Defense Herbicide (1 qt Bottle)

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Quick Overview

Shoreline Defense is a non-selective systemic liquid aquatic herbicide containing 53.8% isopropylamine salt of glyphosate as the active ingredient. It applies as a foliar spray for the control of many herbaceous and woody plants.

Shoreline Defense Herbicide1

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  • Shoreline Defense Herbicide1


Shoreline Defense is a non-selective systemic liquid aquatic herbicide containing 53.8% isopropylamine salt of glyphosate as the active ingredient.  It applies as a foliar spray for the control of many herbaceous and woody plants.  1 quart of Shoreline Defense will make approximately 8-11 gallons of spray mix.

PLANTS CONTROLLED:  Many herbaceous and woody plants including Cattails, Purple Loosestrife, American Lotus, Phragmites and Spadderdock.  It does not control plants which are completely submerged or have a majority of their foliage under water.  Treatment should occur once plants are at early to full bloom.  Visible effects on annual weeds occurs within 2-4 days but on most perennial brush species it may not occur for 7 days or more.

APPLICATION RATES:  The maximum application rate is 7.5 pints/acre (120 ouces) although most applications are performed at 4 - 6 pints/acre (64 - 96 ounces).  Shore-Klear should be mixed with a non-ionic surfactant.  Applications are rainfast after 6 hours.  For help in determining acreage and volume, please visit our Acreage and Volume Calculations page.

USE RESTRICTIONS:  There are no fishing, swimming, animal consumption, or irrigation restrictions in the treatment area.  Do not apply this product with 1/2 mile of an active potable water intake.  To make applications within 1/2 mile of a potable water intake, the intake should be shut off for a minimum period of 48 hours or until a water sample shows glyphosate concentrations to be < 0.7 ppm as determined by laboratory analysis.

Information above is provided as a reference only.  Please consult the label and MSDS for full detailed information on application rates and use restrictions.  Not Available in CA, CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, OR, RI, WA, VT.

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