Cutrine Plus Granular is a granular algaecide containing 3.7% elemental copper as the active ingredient. It is especially for control of Benthic (bottom-growing) forms of algae including Chara, Nitella, and bottom growing filamentous algae. Learn More
Triton AE (Aquatic Enhancing) Pro Enzyme is a reformulated all-natural enzyme technology that is designed to speed up nature's natural decomposition cycle. It helps to clarify water and degrade muck and sludge in lakes and ponds and is very effective when used as an adjuvant in an algaecide or herbicide treatment. Learn More
Cutrine Plus is liquid algaecide containing 9% metallic copper as the active ingredient. It is effective in controlling a broad range of algae including planktonic, filamentous, and benthic. Learn More
Kasco AquatiClear units are water circulators, reimagined. This clog-resistant circulator produces continuous water movement to keep docks, marinas, canals, shorelines, and other areas free from algae, floating debris, and foul odors. Learn More
Kasco AquatiClear units are water circulators, reimagined. This clog-resistant circulator produces continuous water movement to keep docks, marinas, canals, shorelines, and other areas free from algae, floating debris, and foul odors. Learn More
Kasco AquatiClear units are water circulators, reimagined. This clog-resistant circulator produces continuous water movement to keep docks, marinas, canals, shorelines, and other areas free from algae, floating debris, and foul odors. Learn More
K-Tea is liquid algaecide containing 8% metallic copper as the active ingredient. It is effective in controlling a broad range of green and blue-green algae including filamentous, planktonic and branched. Learn More
MetaFloc is a complete water quality and clarity restoration tool. This advanced probiotic and flocculant combine scientific research in bioengineering, phosphorus binding, and coagulation/flocculation resulting in a product that will improve all aspects of water quality.
Triton WC is a high-performance liquid probiotic that clarifies water through enhanced biological flocculation. This formulation removes nitrogen and temporarily binds phosphorus in the water column.
AquaArmor pond liners are the most versatile liner on the market. They are constructed of woven reinforced polyethylene and are fish and plant safe with high puncture and UV resistance. Learn More