Cutrine Plus is liquid algaecide containing 9% metallic copper as the active ingredient. It is effective in controlling a broad range of algae including planktonic, filamentous, and benthic. Learn More
Cutrine Plus Granular is a granular algaecide containing 3.7% elemental copper as the active ingredient. It is especially for control of Benthic (bottom-growing) forms of algae including Chara, Nitella, and bottom growing filamentous algae. Learn More
Poseidon SRC Series rocking piston compressor with manifold (optional), power cord and external assembly and filter. Units are suitable for 1-4 diffusers depending on size, depth and length of air line run. Great for aerating small to large ponds! Learn More
Kasco AquatiClear units are water circulators, reimagined. This clog-resistant circulator produces continuous water movement to keep docks, marinas, canals, shorelines, and other areas free from algae, floating debris, and foul odors. Learn More
Reward is a non-selective liquid aquatic herbicide containing 37.3% diquat dibromide as the active ingredient. It provides broad range control of resistant algae and submerged, floating, and emergent plant species. Also available in 2.5 gallon jugs (in-store pickup only). Learn More
SRC Series replacement rocking piston rebuild kits for 1/4 HP to 3/4 HP SRC rocking piston compressors. Kits include piston cup, gasket, o-rings, and cup retainer screws. Learn More