Cide Kick II is a non-ionic spray adjuvant used as an activator/penetrant. It is used in combination with Shoreline Defense to effectively control emergent aquatic plants and added to common herbicides/algaecides to aid in product absorption.
Shoreline Defense is a non-selective systemic liquid aquatic herbicide containing 53.8% isopropylamine salt of glyphosate as the active ingredient. It applies as a foliar spray for the control of many herbaceous and woody plants.
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The Eco-Flow metering pump is able to deliver a continuous supply of enzymes, dye, alum, etc. to your pond in intervals pre-determined by you. 110V Only. Learn More
Triton CW (Cold Water) bacteria is a highly concentrated blend of cold-loving microorganisms and fast acting enzymes to provide nutrient uptake and muck reduction in water temperatures of 41 - 64F. It excels at consuming phosphorus, reducing sludge (muck) and clarifying water in colder temperatures Learn More
Kasco AquatiClear units are water circulators, reimagined. This clog-resistant circulator produces continuous water movement to keep docks, marinas, canals, shorelines, and other areas free from algae, floating debris, and foul odors. Learn More
Kasco AquatiClear units are water circulators, reimagined. This clog-resistant circulator produces continuous water movement to keep docks, marinas, canals, shorelines, and other areas free from algae, floating debris, and foul odors. Learn More
Kasco AquatiClear units are water circulators, reimagined. This clog-resistant circulator produces continuous water movement to keep docks, marinas, canals, shorelines, and other areas free from algae, floating debris, and foul odors. Learn More
Triton AP (All-Purpose) bacteria are specifically blended to provide nutrient uptake and muck reduction. It establishes a healthy bacterial population in your pond to consume phosphorus, reduce sludge (muck), clarify water, and keep your pond and fish healthy. Learn More
Kasco Home Series Diffused Aeration Systems are designed specifically for homeowners with small, residential ponds. Using a stainless steel cabinet, 1/4HP compressor, and a single-loop diffuser, these systems work great in ponds smaller than 2 acres with up to 20 ft. of depth.