Navigate Granular Herbicide (50 lb Bag)

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Quick Overview

Navigate is a systemic granular aquatic herbicide containing 19% 2,4-D acid (27.6% BEE of 2,4-D acid) as the active ingredient. It provides selective control of many broadleaf plants in aquatic sites including Eurasian Water-Milfoil and Coontail. Compare with Aquacide Pellets which are 17.5% 2,4-D acid.

Navigate Herbicide

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  • Navigate Herbicide


Navigate is a systemic granular aquatic herbicide containing 19% 2,4-D acid (27.6% BEE of 2,4-D acid) as the active ingredient.  It provides selective control of many broadleaf plants in aquatic sites including Eurasian Water-Milfoil and Coontail.

PLANTS CONTROLLED:  Susceptible weeds include Water Milfoil and Water Stargrass.  Slightly to moderately resistant weed species include Bladderwort, White Water Lily, Yellow Water Lily, Water Shield, Water Chestnut, and Coontail.  Under optimum conditions, 14 - 30 days are required before the desired level of aquatic weed management is achieved.

APPLICATION RATES:  Application rates range from 28.4 - 56.8 lbs/acre-ft of water (2.0 - 4.0 ppm).  For best results, apply in spring or early summer when aquatic weeds (EWM) appear.  For help in determining acreage and volume, please visit our Acreage and Volume Calculations page.

USE RESTRICTIONS:  Waters treated with Navigate may be used for fishing and livestock watering after treatment.  Do not swim in treated water for a minimum of 24 hours after application.  Do not use treated water for irrigation until 21 days has elapsed since application or an approved assay shows 2,4-D concentrations to be < 100 ppb.  Do not use treated water for potable uses until an approved assay shows 2,4-D concentrations to be < 70 ppb.  Additionally, there is a minimum treatment setback from a functioning potable water intake ranging from 600' - 2400' depending on concentration.  Navigate has a very defined and restrictive label when it comes to potable water and irrigation so all users are urged to read the label before use. 

Information above is provided as a reference only.  Please consult the label and MSDS for full detailed information on application rates and use restrictions.  Not Available in CA, CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, OR, RI, WA, VT.

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