Triton CW (Cold Water) bacteria is a highly concentrated blend of cold-loving microorganisms and fast acting enzymes to provide nutrient uptake and muck reduction in water temperatures of 41 - 64F. This unique formula infuses bacterial cells with the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids essential to healthy cell development. Triton CW is a potent blend that excels at consuming phosphorus, reducing sludge (muck) and clarifying water in colder temperatures. A great way to jump start your pond in the spring! Follow-up with our Triton AP (All Purpose) bacteria for a season long regime.
APPLICATION RATE: Triton CW is applied at 3 lbs/acre initially and then 1 lb/acre every two weeks. Application is easy as the bacteria are packaged in 1/2# water-soluble packets that can be tossed out into the pond from shore. Water temperatures should measure at least 41F before starting this bacterial regime. Although bacterial additions are more effective with aeration, it is not required. For help in determining acreage and volume, please visit our Acreage and Volume Calculations page.