Reward Herbicide (1 gal Jug)

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Quick Overview

Reward is a non-selective liquid aquatic herbicide containing 37.3% diquat dibromide as the active ingredient. It provides broad range control of resistant algae and submerged, floating, and emergent plant species. Also available in 2.5 gallon jugs (in-store pickup only).

Reward Herbicide

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  • Reward Herbicide


Reward is a non-selective contact liquid aquatic herbicide containing 37.3% diquat dibromide as the active ingredient. It provides broad range control of resistant algae and submerged, floating and emergent plant species.

PLANTS CONTROLLED:  Floating/marginal plants including Water Lettuce, Water Hyacinth, Duckweed, Salvinia, Pennywort and Cattails.  Submersed plants including Bladderwort, Hydrilla, Milfoil, Pondweed (except Richardson's Pondweed), Coontail, Elodea, Brazilian Elodea, Naiad and Algae (when used in conjunction with algaecide).  Under optimum conditions, 5 - 21 days are required before the desired level of aquatic weed management is achieved.

APPLICATION RATES: Application rates range from 0.5 - 2.0 gal/acre.  Application to muddy water may result in reduced control.  Apply to actively growing weeds when water temps have reached 50F.  For help in determining acreage and volume, please visit our Acreage and Volume Calculations page.

USE RESTRICTIONS:  Waters treated with Reward may be used for fishing and swimming immediately after treatment although swimming may cause drift of the active ingredients or suspension of sediments which will reduce effectiveness.  Do not use treated water for drinking for 1-3 days following treatment (depending on application rate).  Do not use treated water for animal consumption for 1 day following treatment.  For irrigation of turf and landscape, wait 1-3 days after treatment (depending on application rate).  Irrigation of food and production crops should not occur until 5 days after treatment.

Information above is provided as a reference only.  Please consult the label and MSDS for full detailed information on application rates and use restrictions.  Not Available in CA, CT, MA, ME, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OR, RI, WA, VT.

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