AquaArmor pond liners are the most versatile liner on the market. They are constructed of woven reinforced polyethylene and are fish and plant safe with high puncture and UV resistance. Learn More
Pond Zingers are similar to our floc logs but in a smaller, easy to install size for ponds ranging from 500 - 12,000 gallons. They work like a magnet, binding together inanimate nutrients in a pond, thereby clarifying the water leaving your pond's ecosystem healthier for aquatic life. Learn More
AquaArmor pond liners are the most versatile liner on the market. They are constructed of woven reinforced polyethylene and are fish and plant safe with high puncture and UV resistance. Learn More
K-Tea is liquid algaecide containing 8% metallic copper as the active ingredient. It is effective in controlling a broad range of green and blue-green algae including filamentous, planktonic and branched. Learn More
Cide Kick II is a non-ionic spray adjuvant used as an activator/penetrant. It is used in combination with Shoreline Defense to effectively control emergent aquatic plants and added to common herbicides/algaecides to aid in product absorption.
Aquamaster's highly customizable line of fountains range from 1/2 HP to 25 HP. For ordering, you may click through the items below and add a unit to your shopping cart. THIS IS FOR QUOTING PURPOSES ONLY. Learn More
Kasco AquatiClear units are water circulators, reimagined. This clog-resistant circulator produces continuous water movement to keep docks, marinas, canals, shorelines, and other areas free from algae, floating debris, and foul odors. Learn More