Hydrothol Granular is a non-selective, highly effective contact algaecide and aquatic herbicide containing 11.2% mono salt of endothall as the active ingredient. It is effective on a broad range of planktonic, filamentous, and branched algae along with submerged aquatic plants. Learn More
Triton AE (Aquatic Enhancing) Pro Enzyme is a reformulated all-natural enzyme technology that is designed to speed up nature's natural decomposition cycle. It helps to clarify water and degrade muck and sludge in lakes and ponds and is very effective when used as an adjuvant in an algaecide or herbicide treatment. Learn More
Reward is a non-selective liquid aquatic herbicide containing 37.3% diquat dibromide as the active ingredient. It provides broad range control of resistant algae and submerged, floating, and emergent plant species. Also available in 2.5 gallon jugs (in-store pickup only). Learn More
Pond Zingers are similar to our floc logs but in a smaller, easy to install size for ponds ranging from 500 - 12,000 gallons. They work like a magnet, binding together inanimate nutrients in a pond, thereby clarifying the water leaving your pond's ecosystem healthier for aquatic life. Learn More
Kasco Home Series Diffused Aeration Systems are designed specifically for homeowners with small, residential ponds. Using a stainless steel cabinet, 1/4HP compressor, and a single-loop diffuser, these systems work great in ponds smaller than 2 acres with up to 20 ft. of depth.
Replacement vane rebuild kits for 1/4 HP to 1 HP rotary vane compressors. Vane kits come with four carbon vanes, two internal filters, two o-rings, and one gasket. Learn More
Cide Kick II is a non-ionic spray adjuvant used as an activator/penetrant. It is used in combination with Shoreline Defense to effectively control emergent aquatic plants and added to common herbicides/algaecides to aid in product absorption.
Pond Pro CA-Series rocking piston compressor with 6' power cord, filter, rubber feet, and pressure relief valve. Units are suitable for 1-4 diffusers depending on size, depth and length of air line run. Great for aerating small to large ponds. ASSEMBLED IN WISCONSIN WITH N. AMERICAN PARTS!