Cutrine Plus Granular is a granular algaecide containing 3.7% elemental copper as the active ingredient. It is especially for control of Benthic (bottom-growing) forms of algae including Chara, Nitella, and bottom growing filamentous algae. Learn More
Poseidon Pellets have been collaboratively developed with the US EPA. Each 15# filter sock can remove up to 1# of phosphorus from incoming water sources.
K-Tea is liquid algaecide containing 8% metallic copper as the active ingredient. It is effective in controlling a broad range of green and blue-green algae including filamentous, planktonic and branched. Learn More
Cutrine Plus is liquid algaecide containing 9% metallic copper as the active ingredient. It is effective in controlling a broad range of algae including planktonic, filamentous, and benthic. Learn More
Hydrothol Granular is a non-selective, highly effective contact algaecide and aquatic herbicide containing 11.2% mono salt of endothall as the active ingredient. It is effective on a broad range of planktonic, filamentous, and branched algae along with submerged aquatic plants. Learn More
Aquathol K is a non-selective liquid aquatic herbicide containing 40.3% dipotassium salt of endothall as the active ingredient. It provides broad range control on submerged plant species including pondweed, naiad, and coontail. Also available in 2.5 gal jugs (in-store pickup only). Learn More
AquaArmor pond liners are the most versatile liner on the market. They are constructed of woven reinforced polyethylene and are fish and plant safe with high puncture and UV resistance. Learn More
Shoreline Defense is a non-selective systemic liquid aquatic herbicide containing 53.8% isopropylamine salt of glyphosate as the active ingredient. It applies as a foliar spray for the control of many herbaceous and woody plants.
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Reward is a non-selective liquid aquatic herbicide containing 37.3% diquat dibromide as the active ingredient. It provides broad range control of resistant algae and submerged, floating, and emergent plant species. Also available in 2.5 gallon jugs (in-store pickup only). Learn More
Navigate is a systemic granular aquatic herbicide containing 19% 2,4-D acid (27.6% BEE of 2,4-D acid) as the active ingredient. It provides selective control of many broadleaf plants in aquatic sites including Eurasian Water-Milfoil and Coontail. Compare with Aquacide Pellets which are 17.5% 2,4-D acid. Learn More